Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Moving from Consciously Incompetent to Unconsciously competent
or how to get Unshakeable confidence......

Learning anything new can be quite nerve racking.

New people, new systems, new software, new skills.

All these things can cause stress, mild or major, for many of us.

But, once armed with our new "way" we are off to the races.

Because new found skills breed confidence.

But going through the 3 phases of skills adoption can temporarily dent confidence.
Stage 1. Consciously Incompetent
Stage 2. Consciously Competent
Stage 3. Unconsciously Competent.

Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler explores below how to "get" confidence:
By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
Date Created: 20-Mar-05
9 Steps to...Unshakeable Confidence By Dr Jill Ammon-WexlerPioneer
Brain/Mind© 2005 All Rights Reserved.

What is confidence? According to Webster's dictionary, it's:
“Having no uncertainty about one's abilities.”
Have you ever wondered why some people seem totally self-confident,
while others are in almost total lack?

Actually -- no one is born confident. Confidence is built through life experience,
and especially the feedback you receive as a youngster about your experiences.
If you receive (and collect) a lifetime of negative believes about your own abilities,
then you will have low self confidence.

It’s true that some people are naturally extroverted -- naturally bold and outgoing.
Others seem to be more naturally introverted, and tend to be more caution in life.
But the fact is … extroverts are not always self-confident, and introverts do not
necessarily lack confidence. Both extroverts and introverts can have unwavering
certainty about their own abilities – the most basic sign of confidence.

Here are nine steps to increasing your self-sonfidence:
1. Gain some New Skills
Building some new personal or career skills will always
strengthen your confidence. What would you like to improve?
If you would like to speak before others with more confidence,
consider joining a Toast Master’s group.
Take action and reach out to expand yourself.

2. Recognize your own Success
Nothing builds confidence like success, but too many
of us fail to appreciate and recognize our own successes.
You know how you feel when someone else compliments
you for something you’ve done well. Make it a point to personally
recognize your own successes, no matter how small they may seem.

3. Believe in your Potential
You may not today be the person you wish to be – but
believing in your potential will help you move in that direction.
If you want to achieve something notable in your life, you
absolutely must believe in your own potential.
Just take it on faith at first, and seek out your personal
purpose for living.

4. Learn from your Setbacks.
Everyone experiences disappointments and set backs,
and it’s just human to become discouraged at times.
But you can use setbacks as positive experiences if you
view them as learning experiences. Meet your challenges head on,
and focus on your intended outcome - not on the obstacles.

5. Get Some Support
Turn to experts in the areas where you want to build more confidence.
You can find expertise in books, ezines, articles, courses, videos, seminars,
or even lectures. If you’re really serious, get a professional coach to hold you
accountable for taking the necessary actions to achieve your goals.

6. Show Confidence in Others
Just as like attracts like, confidence also attracts confidence.
The more confidence you show in others, the more confidence
they will show in you. The more recognition you give others,
the more confidence-building recognition you will receive.

7. Act As If
Acting “as if” is one of the most powerful life-changing tools known
to mankind. Since your unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between
what is “real” and what is “acted” – the more confident you act, the more
convinced your powerful subconscious mind will become that you ARE confident.
See yourself living with courage and strong conviction.

8. Expect to be Confident
Expectation has often been called “faith in action.”
Expect that you will act confident, and your mind will
produce the actions you expect. Expect to be confident,
and you will truly become confident.

9. Go On a 'Mission'
Whatever you believe to be true IS the truth for you.
If you do not believe in your own self and your abilities – that belief becomes
your own internal truth. Remember Webster's definition of confidence:
“having no uncertainty about one's abilities.”

Uncertainty equals low self-confidence. It’s that simple.

If you lack confidence, a good personal mission would be
to discover your own unique personal strengths.

We all have them, and YOU are no exception.

The truth is, none of us ever reaches our true maximum potential.

At its best, life is an on-going process of learning and expansion.

A basic key to developing unshakable confidence is to know your TRUE self.
If unshakable confidence is your goal, you MUST check out the authors
“Smash your Limits” ecourse.

It has the proven ability to change your self-confidence,
and your life -- forever.
Dont forget to visit too and see the simple, effective tools
that can help with training, advising with clients and gaining more finanical confidence.

Best regards, hope you like that article. Henry Winter.

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