Thursday, April 13, 2006

Post Cards and Email - a winning combination - REVISITED
Copyright Henry Winter and Livewirebusiness 2006

Crowded markets, crowded to get attention?

Marketing campaigns can bomb. Yuk, don't you hate that.

You put in all the time and effort, your expectation soars, preparing for all the new orders and enquiries and the campaign bombs - badly. Often it's the list, the message, poor timing and can be a host of other reasons too.

Timing is everything
Badly timed messages, poorly thought out delivery and "scatter gun" targetting just doesn’t
do it anymore - not that it ever did.

If you have ever locked yourself out of the house with no keys you know what frustration feels like. Well leaving Post Cards and Email marketing out of your marketing mix leaves your communications strategy can feel equally frustrating. It can be that "missing" magical link to extra success.

Baking a cake with the wrong flour

Leaving post card and email marketinhg out is like trying to bake a cake with the wrong flour - it goes flat!

Post Card and Email marketing is a very cost effective marketing medium. Taking advantage of it will hit your target market right in the bull’s-eye, it will hit their taste buds with your product or service.

It’s a channel overlooked by many small businesses and few markets are really so profitable it can be ignored. Just because competitors ignore it doesn’t mean that you should too.

You know it’s sensible to use ALL money making channels for sales, promotions, conversions and market placement. You also know many markets have Attention Deficit Disorder and getting your message across to a crowded, competitive market can be difficult.

So, how can Post Card and Email Marketing cut through the clutter?

Just imagine yourself in a large ballroom.

Across the crowded, noisy floor is someone you want to speak to. Do you shout?

No, because you wont’ be heard.

Do you throw some food at them to get their attention?

No, because a) it’s not very sociable b) the chances of hitting them are negligible and c) how would they know where it came from?

Besides if it did hit, it would make a mess and they would probably not want to speak to you anyway – you just soiled their outfit!

So what do you do?

Do you do something that gets the attention of the floor; stand on a chair, do a crazy dance, break into a beautiful song, do something the whole room becomes captivated by, something that silences and entrances so you become the entire centre of attention.

That way you can walk over to the person you want to speak to, you have their undivided attention AND the attention of the whole room. Isn’t that a better way to do business?

That’s what Post Card and Email Marketing can do for you.

Its gets attention, it takes the guesswork out of customer capture and gets leads.

There are lots of ways to use Post Cards and Email marketing as part of your marketing mix. Leave it out at your peril.
If you want to explore and discover how they can attract even more customers to your business drop an email to

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