Sunday, December 17, 2006

Can Web casting improve your Property Business?
Copyright Henry Winter 2006
In a word Yes. But you are asking "How?"

Before I answer that, ask yourself this:

"If there was a way I could drive qualfied, hot to trot, Vendors, Landlords,
Developers, Asset Management and Relo firms to my door to sell/let their
property for virtually no cost, why I am not doing it?"

I can't answer the second question for you but I can advise you that this
opportunity exists and it exists now.

The answer to the How? above is using content, delivered "on demand",
via your own online meeting room.

You don't even need to be there - you can record what people see and here before hand.

But why is delivering content the way to do it?

Because delivering the right content the right way, specific to your market,
helps educate your market, helps set their expectations of what they can expect from others - and how you are better and why (if done gently) - and helps them
"consume" your services before they get to buy them, and buy them they will.

Not only will they buy them they will be willing to use more of them and pay more for them. Because your content will create a higher perception of your
"value" to help them. Real value.

To create real value you still need to analyse your business, develop the
pivotal points of difference between what you do and your competition does.
You cannnot B S..t todays consumers but you can deliver better quality services if your really think about. You can outwit the competition too.

Think of it this way:

You are an agent who provides a weekly online "clinic" on
market movements, and discuss techniques that help clients extract the maximum value for their properties. You do this to your complete applicant base and Vendors.

You can even record the sessions for later use and repeat them.

You "position" your business in a way your competitors cannot.

You create authority they cannot.

You gain business they cannot.

Add what you do to your PR output, and you can "automate" much of the sales funnel to drive people to these sessions.

Through what they hear they will identify themselves to your business as "I am
ready for you to work with me" - fully qualified, educated, and willing to go
clients for almost no cost and minimal effort.

Just a little bit of ingenuity - and even that can all be done for you.

If you have not investigated what having your own "webinar" for your business can do, have a really good look at it now.

You will be amazed at the opportunities it can lead you to.

Henry Winter,
Marketer, Author, Copywriter

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hear all, see all, say something!
Copyright Henry Winter 2006

What are your web conferenceing options?

There are 3:
1. Audio only
2. Wecasting
3. Video Conferencing

1. Audio only has typically
been reserved for telephone conferencing, traditionally
for "office" environments, where users dial into a pre
determined number and join others via voice box.

Even today most of those sound like every one has a paper bag
over their head but this is still used a lot by "business".

Nowadays Audio has taken on a new lease of life with numerous
people providing "Teleseminars", "Seminars" announced by direct
mail/email and either free or pay subscribed. Many are then
recorded, transcribed and then sold as packages of information.

For the seminar provider its a double whammy - they get paid
for the seminar, the listeners provide much of the interactive
content via their questions, then the informatrion is sold
to everyone else.

You can use email for "email broadcasts" where your voice
message is with in a link in the email.

2. Webcasts This is massively growing
and if you want to get in front of this "curve" before
it really takes off then do so. This a browser based format
for data and pictures together. Depending on your system you
can deliver video, power point and more - all in one go.

Great for sales promotion, training, keeping in touch with
clients, running "forums" amd much more besides. There are also
programmes where you can desk top share and other functions too.

3. VideoConferencing The travel replacement!
Face to Face, person to person contact.

There are lots of ways these combinations can improve your
business or business venture.

a) use them in your own business to improve profits by lowering
cost of conversion
b) acquire the rights to use them and "sell"/hire them to others
- creates a nice revenue stream and as people get used to it they
will want to "upgrade" from hiring from you to buying a system from you
c) hold your own "webinars", have some free, charge for others,
record them and resell them. Find a niche that's hungry for what
you know, create a plan, record the content and go for it.
Start your own Information Publishing Business.

To discover more now go to review the Wecast Video Packages in the left hand menu.
If you want to see how to turn what you know into your own
information publishing business click here.

Happy webcasting. Let me know of your success.

Henry Winter
How to go GLOBAL with your information products,
or services with an investment of just $60!
Copyright Henry Winter 2006

Conference room quality web video is now available to everyone.

But what do YOU need to start to use the web to help you promote
the hell out of your business?

Just 3 things:

1. Camera – a simple cheap, inexpensive web cam will
get you started. As you have more money you can add
a more sophisticated web cam - some will voice track
as you move, with an auto zoom and tracking device.

2. Monitor or Screen. Your lap top or PC will have one.
You need it so you can see the other person. Depending
on your web cast programme you can also see more than
one person at a time on your screen.

Alternatively, if you are holding a live meeting
and want to add in an “expert” speaker, you can add
them on the click of a button.

3. Codecs. All this is, is a bit of software a first
time user may need to load as it compresses the video
and audio streams and makes the whole thing workable.
I have one very old (9 years) PC that I test most stuff
on – if it works on that then I know it works on all my
newer machines too and web casting is dead easy,
even on an old machine.

4. Depending on your web cast programme you can
either “pre record” a session or do a live meeting
and record that “in session” for later play back.

5. If you want to experience one just go to and see the current schedule.

Need help, just email me

More coming soon,

I look forward to your success stories
of how you bought a web cam and became dominant in your niche.

Henry Winter
E-faces A great way to make and save money
Copyright Henry Winter 2006

E-faces seeing a face on the web with video.
This is transforming business. Will it transform you and yours?

Masses of money has been spent creating computer networks,
And the communication links to make them talk to each other.

But, what does an average salesman do?

They get in a car, jump on a train, zoom on a plane and go see somebody.

And, 6 times out of 10, from a lot of the clients I work with,
the person they see has neither the interest, or the budget,
NOR the sign off power to make a buy happen.

A waste for you and the rest of the planet but they don’t see it.
That's because they are internally programmed on the old ways.
And they want their expenses too!

But helping to re programme an approach can help you, your sales people
make more commission and with less hassle - whilst being kinder to the planet too.

The power of the internet boosts the ability to:
Qualify a lead
Talk to a decision maker
Provide service samples/product experience
Deliver Training
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
And all for pennies.

So, if you are one of those people that goes see somebody, or
you know you have a sales team with that mentality, but you are aware
the number of sales meetings per day is down due to congestion,
the team seem more tired (more travel wasted and less effective meetings)
and they are fed up with traffic, airport lounges, drafty railway stations,
It's time to change their daily reality and do it on the web.

Regular web contact, to prospects, and clients, with video, or the posting of messages with video:
enhances your relationships with prospects/clients - but with less cost
can increase conversions (if part of a proper plan)
let’s you train the prospect in how to consume your services before they have bought – which makes them buy and buy happily
reduces returns and refunds
it even makes the sales team happier and more productive too.

So, if you are in business for yourself, or have a small sales team,
or a large one, want to reduce costs, improve revenues
visit click
on Multi-List Server then “All Packages” and review all the web based tools under
Webcast Video Packages in the left hand menu.

See it in action go here:
Best regards,

Henry Winter