Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hear all, see all, say something!
Copyright Henry Winter 2006

What are your web conferenceing options?

There are 3:
1. Audio only
2. Wecasting
3. Video Conferencing

1. Audio only has typically
been reserved for telephone conferencing, traditionally
for "office" environments, where users dial into a pre
determined number and join others via voice box.

Even today most of those sound like every one has a paper bag
over their head but this is still used a lot by "business".

Nowadays Audio has taken on a new lease of life with numerous
people providing "Teleseminars", "Seminars" announced by direct
mail/email and either free or pay subscribed. Many are then
recorded, transcribed and then sold as packages of information.

For the seminar provider its a double whammy - they get paid
for the seminar, the listeners provide much of the interactive
content via their questions, then the informatrion is sold
to everyone else.

You can use email for "email broadcasts" where your voice
message is with in a link in the email.

2. Webcasts This is massively growing
and if you want to get in front of this "curve" before
it really takes off then do so. This a browser based format
for data and pictures together. Depending on your system you
can deliver video, power point and more - all in one go.

Great for sales promotion, training, keeping in touch with
clients, running "forums" amd much more besides. There are also
programmes where you can desk top share and other functions too.

3. VideoConferencing The travel replacement!
Face to Face, person to person contact.

There are lots of ways these combinations can improve your
business or business venture.

a) use them in your own business to improve profits by lowering
cost of conversion
b) acquire the rights to use them and "sell"/hire them to others
- creates a nice revenue stream and as people get used to it they
will want to "upgrade" from hiring from you to buying a system from you
c) hold your own "webinars", have some free, charge for others,
record them and resell them. Find a niche that's hungry for what
you know, create a plan, record the content and go for it.
Start your own Information Publishing Business.

To discover more now go to www.livewirebusiness.com/webcastor review the Wecast Video Packages in the left hand menu.
If you want to see how to turn what you know into your own
information publishing business click here.

Happy webcasting. Let me know of your success.

Henry Winter

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